AICPA Annual Membership Dues

年会费是根据你的角色、行业和工作状况而定的. 为了您的方便,您可以通过网上、邮寄或致电会员服务+1支付会费.888.777.7077.

Have questions? 在我们的任何网页上与顾问聊天,并立即获得帮助(美国东部时间周一至周五9:00-6:00).

Proration for New Members

当您作为新会员加入时,您的计费周期将根据您加入的月份按比例计算. Our membership year runs Aug. 1 through July 31.  每年7月31日到期的续期付款,第一个续期通知在6月发出. 如果您在5月,6月或7月加入,您的第一个续签发票将在第二年发送. 新会员的注册费为65美元.

Renewals for Existing Members

续期发票涵盖您的AICPA会员资格, 证书或指定在6月发送,以覆盖下一财政年度(8月1日至7月31日). Payment is due on or before July 31st. 请参阅下面按会员类别的续订费率.

*Please note:  Firm memberships follow a different schedule. 请参阅公司会员标签了解更多信息.

By Industry/Role

Public Accounting, Law, Consulting 2021-22
Partner/Shareholder/Owner $485
Sole Practitioner $485
Staff $295
Business and Industry 2021-22
President/CEO/COO/CFO/Officer $485
Management or Staff $295
Internal Auditor $295
Education 2021-22
Faculty, Administration or Staff $295
Government 2021-22
Federal, State, Local or International $295

Other Memberships

Retired Members 2020-21
已达到社会保障局规定的完全退休年龄的正式会员, if employed as a business professional, 每周平均工作时间少于20小时, calculated on an annual basis.

*Please note: 你的出生日期必须在档案中才有资格获得退休身份.
Temporarily Left the Workforce 2020-21


  • Unemployment
  • 病假(健康或残疾妨碍有酬就业)
  • 探亲假(离开工作岗位全职照顾家庭成员)
  • 教育休假(全日制就读正规教育课程)
Military Service
那些参加现役的正式会员应联系美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员服务中心,以核实他们是否有资格获得任何可用于此类服务的会费减免. Call +1.888.777.7077 or email For international calls, please call +1.919.402.4500.
Associate Memberships 2021-22
Associate Member $295
International Associate $455
Non-CPA Associate $295
Affiliate Memberships 2021-22
CPA Exam Candidate Affiliate $90
Student Affiliate Free*
*如果您正在参加,请访问我们的附属网站 high school or an accredited college/university

当你以新会员的身份加入AICPA分会时, your billing cycle will be prorated based on the month you join.

Private Company Practice Section (PCPS)
$35 per CPA per year up to a maximum of $700
Center for Plain English Accounting (CPEA) 2020
Small Firm (5 professionals or less) $795
Mid to Large Firms (6 professionals or more) $1,700
管理会计会员(最多5名) $795
Academia Membership (up to 5 professionals) $795
Sole Practitioners $450
Association $1,530
员工福利计划审核质量中心(EBPAQC) 2021
Number of CPAs in Firm  
1-9 $240
10-49 $360
50-99 $740
100-499 $2,245
500-2999 $7,500
Governmental Audit Quality Center (GAQC) 2021
Number of CPAs in Firm  
1-9 $240
10-49 $360
50-99 $740
100-499 $2,245
500-2999 $7,500

Learn more about GAQC membership dues >>

审计质量中心(CAQ)的会费是根据发行机构的数量来计算的1 为此,事务所出具了PCAOB年度报告(表格2)所载的审计报告。

Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) 2022
Firm Size Annual Dues Amount
CAQ Governing Board member firms 会费按CAQ年度预算的百分比分配
0 issuer audits * $700
1-25 issuer audits $2,500
26-100 issuer audits $5,000
Over 100 issuer audits $30,000


Learn more about CAQ membership dues >>

1 “发行人”一词指发行人(定义见《188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址》第3条)。, 其证券根据该法第12条注册, [“证券注册要求”]或根据该法案第15(d)条提交报告的要求, [“证券分析师和研究报告”(经纪人/交易商)]或提交或已提交注册声明,但根据1933年证券法尚未生效, and that it has not withdrawn.